Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Next Step: Digging for information on your own-- Homework

You have done a great job as a class of responding to Fresh, a film which really connects to so many other issues in society.  The internet is full of information and it's also full of misinformation.  Remember that.  Be careful and have a healthy skepticism for all you read. Test your sources.

Just to start, here's a few questions and ideas and even a few links:

  • Where can we get decent or sustainable food locally? and the Good Earth Guide search page at    Lucky's Market close to OSU main campus
  •  There are many other places and even the big chain stores have large natural or organic sections, obviously.  About 12 percent of all produce sales now are organic, so the market is growing very swiftly and retailers realize this.  Trader Joes? Kroger? Giant Eagle? Whole Foods?  Others?
  • What does the food industry say in response to these criticisms we see in Fresh?  How much influence does this industry have and who are the big players?
  • Does natural mean natural?  What is the role of packaging and advertising in the food we eat?
    • on the other hand, what is "greenwashing" and how can the good intentions to buy an environmentally responsible product be manipulated?
  • If we have to eat fast food, which chain and which meals specifically are the best?
  • Why is there some debate about the quality or standards for food labeled USDA organic?
  • What are GMOs and why is GMO and food labeling a big issue currently?
  • We know we have challenges in this country with the cost of health care.  What are they?  How much money do people actually spend on health care?
      What are the biggest expenses or worst illnesses to try to get care for?
  • We know we have a juvelile and adult diabetes problem.  Why does this occur?

  • We know we have an obesity epidemic among segments of our population.  Who is being affected?

  • We know some young people struggle with body image and that there may be a false perception of what a healthy body or diet looks like.  How thin is too then?  What kind of exercise is the best  and most needed?

There are so many related issues, but the only way we really start to learn is if we start to dig and look for information.  Curiousity is the catalyst of all learning! 

 The Homework
1--So now do some research.  You've read Pollan.  You've seen the film and read each other's posts and commented on them.  Now look into a question you want answered or an issue you think you need to know more about.Use one of mine to get your started, or go totally on your own.  Satisfy your own question.

2--Then, after finding at least two sources on this subject, tell us what you have looked into and discovered.  Share your ideas in the Comments section of this post, so that we can have them all in one place, and include the links for your research at the end of your Comment, please.  We are a lot smarter as a class than we are individually, so let's work to share your curiousity and our research!


  1. What are GMOs and why is GMO and food labeling a big issue currently?

    GMO- Genetically Modifies Food. GMOs are animals or plants that has genetically change by inserting new cells in their genes.These cells has many benefits for business and farmers but can be a risk to the consumer. For example plants can be genetically modifies in order to be resistance against insects. Also tomatoes can be genetically modified in order to last longer. GMO and food labeling is a big issue currently because consumers wants to know what exactly they are eating. We have been eating GMO foods for a long time now without knowing. GMO foods has many harmful risks like antibiotic resistance.

  2. The question i found most interesting to me was "If we have to eat fast food, which chain and which meals specifically are the best?" i thought this was interesting because fast food is part of the American culture and if were going to eat it everyday we should know what places are good for you and that they don't put you're life in danger every time you eat it.
    The restaurant that people should consider eating at more often according to are #1 Panera Bread #2 Jasons Deli #3 Au Bon Pain #4 Noodles and Company #5 Corner Bakery Cafe #6 Chipotle #7 Atlanta Bread #8 McDonalds #9 Einstein Bros. Bagels #10 Taco Del Mar.
    This places are the rated the most healthiest fast food restaurants by One of the biggest reason why they are able provide such healthy food is because they have a lot of green vegetable in there food menu. The other reason is because most o there food is "Fresh" because the vegetables get bad in a couple of days, and you can't freeze them to keep them longer like you can do with meat. The biggest reason why people tend to fade away from this restaurant is because most of them aren't "cheap". In the long run eating from this restaurant is better for you're health.


  3. What are GMOs and why is GMO and food labeling a big issue currently? gmos
    GMOs are plants or animals that have been genetically engineered with DNA from bacteria, viruses or other plants and animals.

    Virtually all commercial GMOs are engineered to withstand direct application of herbicide and/or to produce an insecticide. Despite biotech industry promises, none of the GMO traits currently on the market offer increased yield, drought tolerance, enhanced nutrition, or any other consumer benefit

  4. We know some young people struggle with body image and that there may be a false perception of what a healthy body or diet looks like. How thin is too then? What kind of exercise is the best and most needed?

    From my research I have come upon many different concepts of being healthy or being too skinny. One event that popped up a lot on my search is the resent biggest loser contestant. did research on this and an article about the difference between being healthy and fit to being too skinny and unhealthy. They explain that each person is different. They also discuss about the time period people are suppose to be losing weight and when something is too fast. The second part of my question deals with exercise and what exercises are the best for people. From my research I have came across the website. They explain the top five exercises that are best for everyone which are swimming, Tai Chi, strength training, walking and kegel exercises.

  5. If we have to eat fast food, which chain and which meals specifically are the best?

    For this question, I researched more into the topic of which fast food chains are better and healthier for people; as well as the specific meals within those restaurants that are healthier. Some fast food chains I researched to be healthier were the ones that we consider to be unhealthy: McDonalds, Wendy's, Arby's, Subway, Chipotle, Panera Bread and other famous fast food chains. Yet, the healthier food at these restaurants are the salads, and subs (full of vegetables). Even though these restaurants have the typical burger and fries, there are healthier foods. Like Chipotle's Burrito Bowls, Subway's subs, or McDonald's Egg White Delight McMuffin. All of these foods are healthier and a better option to undertake while deciding what to eat at a fast food chain. You have to bypass all of the unhealthy options on the menu, and simply focus on better choices. These options have fewer calories and better nutritional facts Furthermore, any fast food chain is still available to those who are looking to eat healthier; they just have to look at the more healthier options and choose what's best for them.

  6. We know we have a juvenile diabetes problem. Why does this occur?

    There are two types of diabetes, type one and type two. Type one is when the bodies immune system attacks its beta cells, which destroys the bodies natural production of insulin. In order to survive, you must inject insulin daily. Type two diabetes is when the body isn't able to produce enough insulin and/or isn't able to produce insulin properly. This is commonly known as insulin resistance. You are required to inject insulin daily in order to survive. Both of these diabites are able to occur in both children and adults, but in recent years the development of type two has shown an increasing likely hood in children. Prior to the last several years, type two diabetes was essentially nonexistent in children.But today,it is not uncommon. Some common reasons for the development of diabetes is due to people who have close relatives with the disease are somewhat more likely to develop it. Other risk factors include obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and physical inactivity.

  7. We know we have a juvelile and adult diabetes problem. Why does this occur?

    This question stood out to me because diabetes runs in my family so thats why I choose this question. There are two types of diabetes, there is type on and then theres type two. On the ADA (American Diabetes Association) they say "In type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life. With the help of insulin therapy and other treatments, even young children can learn to manage their condition and live long, healthy lives." Then type two diabetes is "when your body does not use insulin properly. This is called insulin resistance. At first, your pancreas makes extra insulin to make up for it. But, over time it isn't able to keep up and can't make enough insulin to keep your blood glucose at normal levels." While I was reading both articles I found out that type two is the most common out the the two. Diabetes is mostly happened if you have a history of it in your family. People with type one must use insulin. if you have type two then you can manage your diabetes with living healthy eating right. When you have any diabetes you always want to watch how much sugar you eat because if you eat to much or if you don't have enough sugar in your body it can be really deadly.

  8. What is "greenwashing" and how can the good intentions to buy an environmentally responsible product be manipulated?

    Greenwashing is disinformation that is spread by an organization so as to present an environmentally responsible public image. Good intentions to buy an environmentally responsible product can be manipulated by the misinformation that sellers put on their products packages, and the way that the manufacturer produces their product. Some companies will also use very vague environmental claim in their advertisements, using no factual evidence to show what they have done and why they have done it. While many companies have made attempts to minimize negative environmental impacts of their products, some cannot succeed due to the nature of their product.


  9. We know some young people struggle with body image and that there may be a false perception of what a healthy body or diet looks like. How thin is too then? What kind of exercise is the best and most needed?

    Every where we look, for the most part, in media there are pictures of what a "healthy or "beautiful" women looks like and what a "healthy" masculine man should look like and I believe this sends the wrong message to its viewers. I believe this impacts women more then it does men because girls are very competitive when it comes to looking "beautiful" because they want to impress guys but they also want to look good around other girls, whereas for the most part men could care less what another guy wears or looks like. I believe this because my little sister, who is an athletic and beautiful girl, is constantly trying to eat healthy which is completely fine with me but she does it for the wrong reason. She thinks she is “overweight” because she is brainwashed by magazines idolizing skin and bone women making her think that’s what she has to be in order to be attractive in a mans eyes. I tell her all the time that she is beautiful the way she is and that her amazing personality is what truly is attractive to guys not a 100lb women.
    A physiatrist who was interviewed on 700 WLW, she specializes on people and there perceptions of beauty, she stated that 88% of men think that it is unattractive for women to be too thin. What’s too thin she then asked and answered by saying that the men agreed that a woman is too thin when you can see her bones.
    Media also affects healthy dieting by their commercials and advertising. Fast food restaurants always have happy and healthy looking people in their commercials knowing that it will subconsciously make the consumer think if they eat there food then they too could be happy and healthy. Another example is the McDonalds commercial that is airing now with the Olympic athlete biting the gold metal and next to them is a person biting a nugget. This sends a wrong message because it tricks the consumer into thinking that if the best athletes in the world eat their food then it couldn’t possibly be unhealthy.
    The healthiest exercise according to is any physical activity that gets your heart pumping. The article went on to list a few of their most important exercises, which consisted of brisk walking, swimming, and aerobics with walking being the most important for a healthy life style.

    700 WLW

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Does natural mean natural? What is the role of packaging and advertising in the food we eat?

    The Youtube video shows how the advertising company advertise the organic food. It very simple just by putting the nature tag on the food. It seems many food can be natural and organic. Most people like eating the organic food because it mean more healthy. I totally agree that organic food is more healthy than the fast food. The article on CNN called "Does healthy food have to be organic", the author tells us that there are many people eating the organic because they believe its contains a lot of the nutritions. The organic food means produced naturally without the chemical fertilizers.
    I think when they sell the organic food in higher price and it should be produce with higher cost. It should be produce naturally and it should be represent naturally. I think the video shows that many people want make more money by telling the lies to the society. They think just a label of natural can make people believe the foods are organic. The advertisings are very important in today's market. I don't think we can not use the advertising the food that is not organic or natural.

  12. What are GMOs and why is GMO and food labeling a big issue currently?

    GMO stands for 'Genetically Modified Organisms". GMO's are plants/animals that have been genetically engineered with DNA from viruses, bacteria, or other plants/animals. GMO's can not be created naturally...if this statement does not reach to you then I do not know what will.
    GMO food labeling is a huge problem right now because the biotech lobby is allowing food companies to not put this info on the labels. 80% of conventional foods contain GMO's. Genetically modified plants/animals contain toxins that can be hurtful to the human body.Studies have been done with animals with GMO's in their systems. It has resulted in pre-cancerous cell growth, immune system damage, higher death rates and basically so many negative things. The fact that this happens to animals, we can only guess what it does to our bodies. It is a major problem that companies do not have to put on labels that the food we are about to consume may have GMO's. They are damaging and not enough research and studies have been done to prove that it is ok for humans to put GMO's into their systems. There is organizations that are put together to stop GMO's from being in our food until proven that they are ok. Hopefully these organizations succeed.

  13. What are GMOs and why is GMO and food labeling a big issue currently?

    A GMO (genetically modified organism) is the result of a laboratory process of taking genes from one species and inserting them into another in an attempt to obtain a desired trait or characteristic, hence they are also known as transgenic organisms. This process may be called either Genetic Engineering (GE) or Genetic Modification (GM); they are one and the same.

    One of the main issues in this controversy over modified foods is the absence of mandatory food labels that would specify when a product contains genetically modified ingredients. Food labeling is standard in most developed nations. A recent petition, with over 1.2 million signatures, has been submitted to the FDA calling for mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods. An overwhelming majority of American citizens support labeling. Critics, consisting mainly of consumer packaging goods companies, and companies like the Grocery Manufacturers Association, are opposed to GMO food labeling.

  14. We know we have a juvelile and adult diabetes problem. Why does this occur?

    There are two types of diabetes and they are type one and type two. Type one occurs from certain genetic genes and somethings that are still unknown. So there for most of the time you cannot control having type one. Type two is a whole different story. two factors contribute mostly to getting it which is your lifestyle and genetics. Once you have type one you must monitor it. this includes checking your insulin and feeding your body the right foods it needs to keep your insulin and sugar levels at a good level and also excising is key to keeping you healthy. Without doing these things you can get type two and that can be deadly. People who are overweight and don't exercise
    with type one have a much bigger chance of developing type two diabetes. Lifestyle is a big factor in type two diabetes and its something that we as humans can take into our own hands for the most part. Other factors like history in your family of diabetes and your genes do play a part in this but the matter of the fact is that we know the risks and if we can do something to lessen our chances of developing or getting type two diabetes why wouldn't we want to do this for ourselves?

  15. What are GMOs and why is GMO and food labeling a big issue currently?

    Genetically modified organisms (GMO's) are plants or animals that have been genetically engineered with DNA from bacteria and viruses. Most countries do not consider GMO's to be safe, in more than 60 countries, they have strict rules on them or they are just outright banned. Up to this day, in the U.S foods are not required to be labeled if they have GMO's in them, unfortunately. Although it is not a requirement for companies to label there products, it is reported that 91% of Americans want GMO's labeled. It is pretty shocking knowing that almost 80% of conventionally processed food has some kind of GMO in them. GMO's also have a bad effect on the environment, 80% of all GMO's are made for herbicidal tolerance, as a result, use of toxic herbicides have increased 15x since the introduction of herbicides.

  16. If we have to eat fast food, which chain and which meals specifically are the best?

    When we’re hungry and have only a few minutes, fast food calls out to us. From my research I knew that fast food tends to be devoid of fruits, vegetables, and fiber. But, there are some healthier fast-food options out there. Typically, fast food is low in nutrition and high in trans-fat, saturated fat, sodium, and calories. Dairy foods contribute about 70% of the calcium in American diets. To be healthy we should eat healthy food in orderly so we can’t get any problems. There are some chains if we follow them we can get good and healthy meals. First we should follow Cautious about Condiments where fast foods have low and high calories and some are oil based. The next step is Watch Out for Side Dishes where we can get salads, French fries and onion rings and some fresh fruits. The last thing is Look Out for Liquid Calories where drink something that gives calories without nutrients, like soda, sweetened tea, lemonade, and fruit drinks. This was the fast food chain.

  17. What is GMO in our food?
    GMOs, known as “genetically modified organisms,” are plants or animals created through the gene splicing techniques of biotechnology. Some Common Ingredients Derived from GMO Risk Crops are: Amino Acids, Aspartame, Vitamin C, Citric Acid, High-Fructose Corn Syrup, Lactic Acid, Mono-sodium Glutamate, Sucrose, Vitamins, Yeast Products.
    We are all probably eating GMO and it hard to avoid eating. About 60 to 70 percent of foods on US supermarket shelves contain GMO. Potato, Rice, Salmon are some of the food that don't have GMO in it.Read label if you're trying to avoid GE foods. Right now there is no strict definition of what constitutes a natural food. "This could be changing soon as federal court judges recently requested the Food and Drug Administration to determine whether the term can be used to describe foods containing GMOs to help resolve pending class action suits against General Mills, Campbell Soup Co., and the tortilla manufacturer Gruma Corp".


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