Thursday, January 30, 2014

Exploration #2- Anne

The person that I admire the most so far from Holding On is Geneva Tisdale.  I find her to be an admirable person because she is treated unfairly at work, and somehow, she doesn't let this bother her and still puts all of her effort into her job.  She demonstrates the theme of creativity by keeping her job no matter what they put her through while she is there working.

Something that surprised me about Scott Russel Sanders story is how much detailed information he shared.  He talked in his essay about how his family kept it a secret and about how his siblings still don't talk about it to this day, so I thought that the amount of information that he was willing to share was interesting.  I liked the passage that Sanders used to close his essay, "I took my own first drink at the age of twenty-one, half a glass of burgundy, I knew the odds of my becoming an alcoholic were four times higher than for the children of nonalcoholic fathers.  So I sipped warily.  I still do-once a week, perhaps, a glass of wine, a can of beer, nothing stronger, nothing more.  I listen for the turning of a key in my brain."  I particularly liked this passage because, although, he is more likely to become an alcoholic compared to most other people, what he says leads me to believe that this doesn't really scare him, and that he realizes that he can beat the disease.

What exactly is the grotto? and who started it?


  1. I also like how he put so much detail into his story. In addition too it does show he has potential to beat alcoholism.

  2. I like that quote because it is possibly foreshadowing his future as a drinker.


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